Sunday, June 6, 2010

Four weeks later: Less salsa, more potato salad

It's been a month since our house took a shot at becoming Our Salsa Farm.

Despite hurricane winds, Springtime snow and two separate freezes, we're actually still in the game!

We haven't managed to purchase or plant new tomato plants yet, but the Yukon gold potatoes are so determined to grow some of them have pushed the drip lines out of the way to reach for the sun.

Our onions, oh my! They are growing with such commitment that we can actually measure a difference in stalk height from yesterday to today (no kidding!).

And while the second post-planting snowstorm killed the first corn sprouts of the season ... several more have popped up and are inches high (inches!)!

The herb garden is happy as well: Mint is attempting to choke out everything else, tarragon is shading the entire garden, green onions and chives are happily going to seed already and the dill is fluffy and aromatic.

As for the ornamentals: For once we're doing better with produce. The last freeze seems to have ruined the Japanese maple for the year and caused the just-budding iris to fold over and die. Damn.

We haven't yet determined whether or not the hostas are going to do well this year.

Cross your fingers that we survive bugs, birds and sunburns and the next gardening-related post you see here will have pictures of produce!

1 comment:

  1. Fingers are crossed, but it looks like everyone in your garden is happy. Great job, persevering through the winter-that-wouldn't-end!
